Thursday, March 5, 2009

It came! It came!

Yes, yes, YES!
The new computer came, and it's shiny and pretty and speedy quick. <33
I love it to death, installed WoW as soon as I could (after firefox of course). That alone took about three hours (with patching, etc).
I turned up some of my video settings to try it out, it lagged a bit so I turned them back down.
I downloaded the Druids of Azeroth pretty druid skins for Mirubea. (She looks Badass now :P)'s what happened, in chronological order, of course.

Hopped on Mirubea:
1. gathered up some quests in STV
2. Grouped with a rogue who asked if I was a "real" girl, of course I told the truth, he started flirting. /sigh
3. Hit 31 with Miru. Rogue logged off, questing was too hard solo so I logged as well.

Hopped onto Artebank:
1. Cleared out my mailbox (uugghh so many expired auctions)
2. Threw junk up on the AH for major cheap prices (wanted to get rid of it!)
3. Bought a walk speed enchant for her boots and disenchanted some crafted greenies for quick cash.

Hopped onto Artemes:
1. Finished up my Netherwing Mine dailies, joined LFG for a few instances
2. Finished Netherwing dailies and the new Revered one. (should take about 4 more days till exalted! :D)
3. Got into a group for Gul'Drak.
4. Waiting for healer....
5. Waiting for healer....
6. Kicked from group, wtf? Whispered the group lead, they told me to ask the Pally who said they kicked me to make room for someone else.
7. I wished them luck and started questing in Icecrown
8. The Priest whispers me and asks if I want to run an instance.
9. I say sure, but ask why they weren't running Gul'Drak
10. Invited back into the group with apologies (haha, no biggie. :P)
11. Proceeded to slaughter Gul'Drak
12. Head to UP next, slaughter that as well
13. Added them to friends, nice people, just a misunderstanding of sorts with the group kick.

Conclusion: PuGs are fun. I made new friends today who I'll likely group again. (The priest did great. :D as did our 77 Pally as the MT in UP)

I got some phat loot as well. :P
Cannibal's Legguards
Also a quest reward...but I haven't gotten it yet as I hearthed and didn't thnk about the quest turn ins in the very beginning of the instance. :P
Gilded Ringmail Hauberk and Helmet of Just Retribution

I was hoping for
Trophy Gatherer, but...better luck next time.

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