Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I lied again. Sorry.

Sorry, no farm guide for Winterspring today, I've got some other things on my mind. Most importantly, I think, at least. Is that I'm finally high enough level to tame the elusive Spirit Beast. I spent the last half hour or so of my night on WoW (auto-logs at 1:30AM) doing Oracle dailies, I finished them off with a few minutes to spare. So I decided to whip up a /target macro for Spirit Beast (Loque'nahak).

No luck so far, but I hadn't done much research, now that I have my epic flyer, and my Cold Weather Training I'll be doing rounds of Scholzar after doing my Oracles dailies every day. Maybe I'll get lucky. I really hope so. I'll be toting around my silly worm Jagermeister while I'm on the hunt, I really don't know which pet to get rid of to replace with this magnificent creature. I'm pretty sure it'll be lil' ol' Jager, I don't really like worms that much, though his skin is frickin' badass. Other than him I have...

Tinder, the Zul'Drak wolf, I love her for her buff in Instaces/Raids if there are no other hunters with wolves...

Mogget the Ghost Sabre who was actually quite easy to get but took a bit of a trek from Ashenvale to northern Darkshore. I love him for his...well, he looks awesome and he has damn good DPS.

Talon, my first raptor reincarnated into a Blades Edge raptor (was an old Durotar skin before). I can't bring myself to drop him even if he's lagging behind at level 72...

Brashen, my Gorilladin, love him to death, he's the rarespawn from Un'Goro, the only gorilla skin that isn't hidious. I spent a whole day waiting for him to spawn. I paid a group of lowbies to sit at his spawn point and wait while I farmed ore and leveled cooking. My hearth set to Tanaris so I could get back quickly. When he finally appeared I about had a heart attack. So worth it, I'll never drop him, ever ever, not even for Spirit Beast.

So I'll be rolling with a junk pet, likely Tinder (easily replaceable) or Jager...or hell, maybe I'll even try out a serpent! :O There are some pretty cool skinned ones in Scholzar, so I can try that. Or a devilsaur...heck, I haven't tried many pets, mostly sticking to the classics. Silithid maybe? Venom web sounds cool. Though it's freakin' creepy.

Anyway. My hunt for Spirit Beast has begun. For the next few days, no leveling.

Things to do:
1. Netherwing Dailies, at least 10 eggs gathered
2. Oracles Dailies (only takes about 20 minutes at the most)
3. Spirit Beast circles arouns Scholzar for an hour or so. If I have extra time.....


4. I'd like to run Violet Hold....
5. I'd like to run Gundrak....
6. I'd like to run Halls of Stone...
7. Old-World/Outland Raids plz? They're hella fun :P

On a less disheartening note...
Really? REALLY Blizz?
I have Lich King. I'm level 77... I don't want another copy, thanks, it's great and all, but I'm not the multiboxing type. :P you know where I'll be.
G'night. Thanks for reading. <3

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